Month: October 2022

Family Tree | Te Reo Maori Challenges

LI: Students can communicate aspects of their genealogy

For this weeks Te Reo Maori challenge was to create a family tree DLO showing ko wai ō mātua/who my parents are. The family tree I’ve created includes both of my grandparents, my parents, and myself. The achivement objective in this task was to communicate about relationships between people.

I found this activity interesting because it gives me an opportunity share some of the important people in my life.

Silhouette Bird Art

LI: To learn how to use tone, blending and different brush strokes with paint.

We have been learning how to corporate tones, blending and brush strokes with our art using paint. We chose a bird that is endemic to New Zealand and researched five facts about them. We chose birds because the New Zealand bird of the year award is going to be announced soon on the 31st of October. 

I found this activity challenging because I needed to make sure I use the right colours that will blend good together, and will be light enough to see the birds but I was able to follow all of these.

Narrator Perspective

LI: To rewrite the story of Cinderella using a different narrative perspective.

We have been continuing our learning about the different perspectives authors bring to a text. Our challenge today was to change the fairy tale of Cinderella from third person omniscient to third person limited. 

Third person omniscient means the narrator is not a character in the story and watches the event take place, the narrator also know what the characters feel and think. First person means: the narrator is the character and explains the events that happen in the story (Pronouns) uses words like, me, we, ourself, myself, us.

I found this activity fun because I got to expirence writing a text using third person limited.

Exploring Narrators and Perspectives

LI: To understand how authors use pronouns to change the point of view the story is told from

Narrators are important vessels of information that often retell to us the events that are happening in a story. However, narrators use different perspectives and point of views to influence the audience’s reaction to the story. These perspectives are first person, second person, third person, third person limited and third person omniscient.

While first, second and third person are familiar, we introduce ourself to third person limited and third person omniscient. We also explored the different pronouns that each point of view uses and how the author influences the reader’s perspective on a text by the use of vocabulary and point of view.

I found this activity helpful because though I was familiar with some of them, it also taught me some new perspectives which helps me had on to my prior knowledge.


Understanding Questions

LI: To understand the language of questioning

Today we reminded ourselves what questions were asking us to do with the information we had. It is important when you are answering questions about a text you have read that you know what information you need to look for to find the answer. 

We created a collaborative DLO to help other strengthen their connections to the language of questioning using an exemplar text from and our own questions.

I found this activity helpful because it gave me a better understanding on what I need to look for in the text for each type of question.