Today I have completed another Summer Learning Journey activity. The Summer Learning Journey is a program that helps students keep learning throughout the Summer holidays.
I decided to attempt the kick start. For this activity, I needed to match each sign language with the correct letter. I first watched all the videos to help me understand more about the activity . Once I finished watching the videos, I got started on the activity. To complete this activity, I needed to start matching the signs and letter by playing it as memory game.
There were five signs I had to match with their letters. The five letters that needed to be matched with their correct sign language were A, E, I, O, and U. These five letters are vowels. Vowels are letters that represent speech sounds where air leaves the mouth without any blockage by the tongue, lips, or throat. To help me complete this task and match the signs and letters, I used the knowledge I learnt about sign language when I attempted the sing without sound activity. It took me a few tries to match each vowel but I was able match all five sign languages with the letters.
I found this activity fun because I was able to play a fun game that can help with memorizing the each sign language that represents the vowels.
Kia ora Te Raumati,
My name is Theresa and I am one of the Summer Learning Journal commenters.
Thank you for your very detailed reflection on completing the task. Although I can’t see your hand signs matching the letters It is clear you put a lot of effort into completing the task. Your explanation about vowels is excellent – What a great idea to explain that in more detail. Tino pai!
Have you or do you use sign language? – At my school we use it sometimes mostly when signing. There are a couple of songs that my class likes.
Ngā mihi