Month: November 2022

Summer Learning Journey Teaser | Activity 1: Kick Start

This week we have started on our Summer Learning Journey teasers. The teasers are activities that will prepare you and show you what the activites are like when the Summer Learning Journey actually starts.

For todays activity, we needed to unleash our inner artist by learning about different artworks from different cultures. After exploring a variety of artworks, we could colour other templates from the art colouring book. Since I attempted the kick start, the artworks were about different celebrations such as, Kwanzaa, Christmas, Diwali, etc.

The artwork I decided to colour in was related to Kwanzaa. An interesting fact about Kwanzza is that Kwanzaa has 7 candles (3 red, 3 green, and 1 black cande) that represent 7 different principles.

I found this activity fun because it’s an enjoyable way to learn about different artworks that come from different cultures.

Evolution of Transportation

LI: To identify how technology has changed when we consider how it was fit for purpose.

Today we were looking at the change of technology. Over the past 100 years, technology has changed in order to make things easier. This is called fit for purpose. Transportation devices have become more convenient compared to their initial design. 

An example of fit for purpose is that trains are fit for purpose as both 1922 and 2022 trains were both used to transport people or heavy objects from one place to another. I found this task interesting because I saw a varierty of improvments from transportation 100 years ago compare to now. An interesting fact I learnt during this activity was that there are still trains that run on coal to this day.

Attempting New Things & Asking for Help

LI: Students will learn that it’s okay to try new things and to ask for help when needed.

For PB4L, we are reminding ourselves why it is important to attempt to do new things and to ask for help. This session encourages students and people so that they can continue doing what they find interest in or so they can improve their academic performance.

It is important to attempt new things because if you don’t, you won’t know if you enjoy it or not. It is important to ask for help because you will know what to do instead of doing something your not suppose to do. I found this task helpful because it will help motivate others to try new things and to ask for help if you don’t know what to do,

March Girls Strike 1888

LI: To identify the significance of the Match Girls Strick of 1888

Today we had a session with David, our PB4L leader. He was teaching us about the match girls strike of 1888. This Strike of 1888 explains the hardships that the match girls went through, this eventually led to a protest trying to raise awareness for women who don’t get appreciate their hard work by not getting paid.

I found this task interesting because I was able to learn why match girls went on strike. An interesting fact I learnt was that the wording on the banners they used were to help draw attention from others to join their protest and sign their petition.

Provocation | Should we keep or ban fireworks?

LI: To identify the 2 perspectives of provocation

For writing, we have been learning about provocation. Provocation is giving opinions that will set off powerful feelings about the topic.

Before starting our learning conversation, we had 10 minutes to smart search for evidence we can use to support our think of the use of fireworks.

While taking notes, we shared and borrowed information from other groups to help build up our knowledge that we could use when explaining our opinions.

Afterwards we had a learning conversation about the pros and cons about fireworks. During our learning conversation, we agreed and disagreed with each other by using evidence that we gathered to support our statements.

In conclusion, we came up with two different opinions and gave reasons on why we thought that way.

We found this activity helpful because it gave us a good experience of provocation and a proper learning conversation.


Formal & Informal Language

LI: To identify the style of a piece of text – informal/formal

Formal language is used in professional situations and consists of proper grammar and sophisticated vocabulary/language, but is commonly considered as ‘use of manners’. Informal language lacks the use of proper grammar and manners and is used in unprofessional situations in which the speaker is more comfortable. Our task was to identify what makes formal and informal language different.

Formal language does not use contractions, idioms, phrasal verbs, abbreviations, imperatives or exclamation marks whereas informal language does use them. Formal language uses passive voice whereas informal language uses active voice.

I found this task interesting because I learnt about the different aspects of language that make formal and informal speaking different. I can apply this knowledge to speak differently corresponding to different situations.

Paper Airplane and Measurments

LI: To design and make a paper plane that will fly the furtherest

Our team challenge was to collaboratively create a paper airplane to help us practise measurment and analysing data. We analysed our data of the paper air planes we flew. The planes we designed were tie fighter, deltry, the bird, and dart. Our group designed multiple planes to verify which of the planes flew the best. The plane that went the furthest was the dart design. Lastly we versed group by group and measured the flight distance accurately.

I found this task fun because it gave me an opportunity to learn measurments and analysing data in a fun challenge.

Something that we can improve on our plane is by making sure that we fold the paper correctly.

Manaiakalani Film Festival

Today the whole of Panmure Bridge School and other schools in the Manaiakalani cluster went to Sylvia Park for the 2022 Manaiakalani film festival. The manaiakalani film festival is when schools in the manaiakalani cluster create short films, and present them at Sylvia Park. This year our school and three other schools watched a variety of films in the same theater.

My favourite films I watched at the theater was ‘Tamaki got talent’ by Tamaki collage and ‘Pokeblade’ from our school. What I liked about Tamaki collages film was how everyone in the film showed their amazing voices. What I liked about our schools film was the humor that was shown by the students in the film. To show what we thought about their film, we commented on it.

I enjoyed this years film festival because I was able to watch the films from other schools who worked hard on making them.



LI: To identify the 4 different modes (types) of transport and their changes over time.

The 4 different modes of transport are air, land, sea and rail. We explored more about the types of transportation and how they have evolved over time to build an understanding of how humanity makes changes to vehicles like cars, boats, trains and planes.

An example of air, land, sea and rail based vehicles are planes, car, ferry, and trains.

I found this task interesting because I was able to learn new facts about air, land, sea, and rail transportation. An interesting fact I learnt during this activity was that air and sea transportations are usally used to transport things from one country to another.